Vitamins, Herbs, Supplements
We offer several brands of supplements including Natures Sunshine Products for sale in our herb shop at member pricing. Our customers purchase at least $40.00 in product from us each year, so our customers should receive the best possible price. We are proud to be one of the many Nature’s Sunshine Herb Shops out there helping others. The other products we offer include Bluebird Botanicals, HImalaya, Energetix, Pure Essence, and Bach Flowers.
Why Should You Use Natures Sunshine Products?
Nature Sunshine feels quality is not an options it’s an obligation. Quality is a regular part of their standard operating procedure. Natures Sunshine is the leader in quality and has been for over 45 years! Their testing procedures are very extensive and far exceeds the competition. They begin their testing process with raw materials and end with their finished products. Nature’s Sunshine’s quality assurance testing uses more than 300 tests. Every test they conduct leads to better product quality. Excellence in product quality is what has put their products where they are today – at the top! View more information on Nature’s Sunshine Product Quality.
Natures Sunshine Products offer over 500 products and include almost 475 unique herbal combinations. Whether you are looking for a multi vitamin, a cleanse, weight management products, essential oils, chinese herbs, or herbal combination, they have something for you. I really like this about them because it gives the consumer more choices.
Herbal Training Webinars
Nature’s Sunshine also leads the industry in offering continuing education to its members / distributors. NSP has more trained herb specialists in their industry nationwide than any other company. I have been taking Nature’s Sunshine Products since 1994 and am very proud to be a member. I have tried products from many other companies throughout the years and always go back to where I started – Nature’s Sunshine.
Natures Sunshine Products Membership
What makes them even more unique, is there membership plan. Anyone who purchases $40.00 in products at Member Pricing can sign up and become a member. They can even share the products with others and earn some incentive back. Nature’s Sunshine Products has NO leg requirements and NO monthly volume requirements. To remain a member, simply purchase $40 in products on your anniversary date. Whether you are or are not a member, the member price is available to all through our center!
Questions On What Natures Sunshine Products May Help You
Mara has been sharing and using Nature’s Sunshine Products for over 30 years. If you are wanting to know what supplements may offer you support, just give her a call or schedule a time to meet with her.
Why you Should take a Vitamin and Mineral Supplement?
Vitamins and minerals are vital nutrients required for the body to function and for the prevention of disease. There is much debate around the following statement, “I can get everything I need from food.” The question you need to ask yourself is “Are you?”. In a large study involving 26,000 people, it was concluded that not one person received the nutritional requirements set forth by the RDA.
“Insufficient vitamin intake is apparently a cause of chronic diseases. Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone. Pending strong evident of effectiveness from randomized trials, it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamins and supplements.”
American Medical Association
“A deficiency of a vitamin or mineral will cause a body part to malfunction and eventually break down. Like dominos, other body parts will follow.”
James F. Balch, M.D. | Prescription for Nutritional Healing